Every one needs a hit of motivation at some point!

Its my joy to welcome you on board this life-changing site. I trust that you will be motivated & inspired to
, Excel & Achieve MORE in Life. In Jesus Name (Amen)

Monday, May 18, 2015


You must "Ask Yourself this 4th Question in the Journey of Greatness. WHAT CAN I DO?

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream.” Les Brown
The average human being on Earth has no idea about their ability! 90% of human population will die and never achieve more than 10% of their true ability; their full potential.

You need to ask yourself "WHAT AM I REALLY CAPABLE OF DOING, WHAT AM I REALLY CAPABLE OF ACHIEVING". The truth is that many in life are happy and content with 'status-quo', we never ask the questions that will take us to the next level. For every level there is a question you must ask and answer!

Rather than going to a job you don't like, working for a boss you don't like, earning a salary you are not happy with or hating and cursing every Monday because you have to go to work, why don't you ask what can i do?

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. what i am asking you to do today is nothing anyone can arrest you for. No one can arrest you for asking yourself a question just as no one can charge you for dreaming. 

There is nothing wrong in shooting for the moon even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars; today stars  are celebrated world-wide. You will be celebrated for trying.

In life, everyone wants to be successful. 

Have you ever seen anyone who says ''I want to be a failure"? 

Everyone wants to succeed but what is the problem? The problem is One of the primary reasons why the 'grave-yard' is the richest place on earth. The 'grave-yard' isn't the richest place because of the manure it produces but because it full of great mind who never became great men. Its the richest [place] not because of the number of coffins in it but because it has tenants who were gifted and talented but died poor.

There are so many people today dead or alive who never dared to dare. They never dared to become who God made them all because of FEAR. So many people because of the fear of failure (the fear of being labelled a failure) have resolved to wasting their time and potential earning less than they ought, enjoying (official) cars that's officially not theirs. What a tragedy!

There are so many people that will not succeed in life just because you have decided not to become whom God made you. There so many destinies attached to your success.

Imagine if you were created to find or produced a CURE for a certain disease and you didn't or you refused, imagine how many people will die from that disease. but if you do (fulfill your purpose) create the vaccine or drugs that cures that disease, you will be saving many lives and the result will be colossal. God and humanity will be happy you came.

Somebody's life and existence depends on that book you are yet to write, that song you are yet to sing, that message you are yet to preach, that record you are yet to break, that job/company you are yet to create, that school, that health-care center, institution you are yet to build.

Every author or hero was once "UNKNOWN".

....(to be continued) prince DPA


Wednesday, May 13, 2015


(The third (3rd) question you must ask yourself on the Journey of Greatness)

Why did God really create me?

What is the purpose of my existence?

Have you ever asked why?

If you will care to ask,  the positive answer(s) you will get is your purpose or your set of purpose.

In case your answer is, ''God created me to be fruitful, to multiply and have dominion''.

Yes be fruitful, but be fruitful at what? Is at child bearing only!

Yes multiply, are you called to multiply babies?

If our sole purpose on earth is to be fruitful & multiply children then every home may end up becoming a Daycare center. Surely God created us for more than just raising children or family.

Is it for dominion? Dominion is a good one but I agree with Dr. Mensah Otabil, that God didn't create man to have dominion over man but over all things. That's is why 'NO ONE IS BETTER THAN YOU'. For you to have dominion you must be king or master over a domain as Myles Munroe rightly puts it.

What's your dominion?

For you to be fruitful, you must be reproducing something unique to you.

As for multiplication, after God created man He (God) rested because He created man to take over the business of creation and impacting the world. ''LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE AND AFTER OUR LIKENESS''. Man is supposed to be like God and be doing same thing as God: continue to change things. As soon as God saw the earth was without form, He created form, created day and night.

Nothing around you is meant to remain the same as long as you are there, your primary call is have dominion and change (impact) the world for good.

No great person ever sits idle: they make things happen.

Purpose is what you are created to do or a set of things you are unique-ly created to do on earth.

So, what have you being created to do?

Your purpose helps you influence your world. Survival is not enough.

Crowd doesn't translate to truths... (Bishop Mike okonkwo).

It's not about the crowd; don’t join the band-wagon. Because everyone is doing & making money or succeeding at it doesn't make it your line.

What have you being created to do?

People die of frustration because they do not know why they exist.

Why fit in when you can stand out? Don't be lost in the crowd!

Move in the direction of your dream/purpose.

Stop blaming others for your failure.

Embrace the future and the destiny God has for you.

The bigger your destiny the bigger your preparation.

If our result must be different our approach must be different.


Saturday, May 09, 2015

THE (5 minutes) DNA TEST – 
To help you discover who you are.

Over 7billion people in the world, not one person is a mistake: we are all valuable.
It’s a pity many people live or die a frustrated life because they do not know who they are or why they exist.

Nothing is worst in life than being in life and not knowing why or not knowing who you really are.


+ Have you ever had a big dream?
+ Do you feel most times that you are bigger or greater than where you are at the present?
+ Have you ever felt that the things happening to you do not represent who you are?
+ Do you have symptoms of wanting to do more or be more?
+ Have you ever said to yourself “This world has not had the best of me yet”?
+ Have you said at any point “my best is yet to come”?

If you truly have experienced any of these questions then the problem of your identity is solved. We now know who your father is.

Your DNA result proves that you have the DNA of God; God is your father. You are made in the image of God & after His likeness that is why you have been having greatness troubling you on your inside (this is not about religion).

Your DNA result shows that you are a great person, a royalty and that you are made for more. The genetic material in your DNA shows that failure is not an option for you. It also reveals that whatever circumstances you are facing or going through, you will surely overcome because God made you to have dominion over all things.

Stop expecting less, you are worth more than you know.

One of the things that stops us from stepping out is the fear of failure. You were not created to fail. Failure is not in your DNA. You may fall but you are not a failure – rise again.

It’s not about how you look; it’s whose DNA is in you!
Begin to see yourself the way God see you and stop comparing yourself with others, you are different. The fastest way to put yourself in trouble is to compare yourself with others.

You are not ordinary! Carry yourself with dignity and respect. Don’t let your background keep your back to the ground. You are not a product of your environment but a product of God’s DNA.

God created everyone with freewill & a conscience to make choices. A choice is an act of decision making.

In the journey of greatness you must make choices. You must choose how you call whatever comes your way. You cannot rise above the way you see yourself.  

Greatness is first a product of the state of mind same as failure or poverty. It must first settle in your mind/heart that you are great. You have to accept that you are great. Agree with it, believe it and live it. Choose the way you label yourself. Let your label reflect your great destiny not your condition. Choose how you label your experiences.

Choose who you welcome into your life. Determine who enters & exits your life. Bring people who complement you into your life. Never associate with anyone who doesn’t appeal to the king inside of you even when the ‘fool in you is acting out’.

Your friends are the gate-keepers of your life. There are friends you can’t keep, places you can’t go, things you can’t do and things you can’t drink.

You must come into the knowledge of your peculiarity.

A true friend is anyone who will help you get to your destiny. If anyone tries to stop you from your destiny, such a person is not a friend but an enemy.

Any relationship that reminds you of your past or puts you down is not a productive one. Your past must not hold you down; your past is your past. You are made for more.

Your heart is the engine room of your life; choose what enters your heart. Choose what you feed on. Choose what you allow into your spirit because you become what you feed on.

Listen to things that will open-up your mind & elevate your spirit. You are great person and you are made in the image of God.

People will not tell you your good parts but they highlight your failures and your weak parts. If no one tells you or encourages you, encourage yourself. You don’t need their encouragement. When you become the great person that you are, they will celebrate you.

Be careful of those who define you with where they met you. Never forget who you are, you are made for more. Survival is not enough. You carry greatness on the inside of you. Grow from struggle to control because God created you to have dominion.

The destiny of every emerging leader is greatness. Create images beyond where you are. Produce results and make history because YOU ARE MADE FOR MORE. 


Motivation channel with Prince DPA – Please Like my facebook page MOTIVATION CHANNEL WITH PRINCE DPA, follow me on twitter @david adeleye. EVERYONE NEEDS A HIT OF MOTIVATION AT SOME POINT. You have my love God bless).

(Credits / Extra Support Materials: Dayo Israel, Rev. Tony Samson, Dr. Mensah Otabil, Pastor. Paul Adefarasin, Obinna Egbuonu, Dr. Felix Omobude)

Thursday, May 07, 2015


Whenever someone says the above 2 statements to you do not feel offended!
It simply means for you to: - Task your thoughts!
Challenge your thinking!
Provoke your imagination! Because God wants to take You to the next level.
Imagination! means - ''Imagine A Nation''. Stop imagining small things: imagine nations. God told Abraham to Imagine nations and that was how the change begun for Abraham.Stop having small business mentality towards your business (anything that's your business) that is why small businesses remain small. YOUR MIND CAN CARRY YOU WHERE YOUR LEGS CAN'T! ...
For you to imagine nations, you must truly be out of your (natural) mind. GREATNESS DOESN'T RESIDE IN SMALL MINDS.
The moment you keep holding on to what you know, you become obsolete. Be open to change and get ready to test your assumptions! !!
The knowledge of yesterday isn't enough. Knowledge means ''Know-Now-And-Have An Edge''
In specifics, what you know now gives you an edge.
So again I'll love to ask you ''CAN YOU IMAGINE'' because ''YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND'' if you want to be great!
''one day a Fisher-man was throwing all the big fishes he caught with his hook back into the river but only keeping the smaller fishes. When asked why, he smiled and said any fish bigger than my frying pan at home, I throw back into the river''.
Don't forget this, there is no room for greatness in small minds. You must be out of your mind to be great!
I encourage you to
Task your thoughts!
Challenge your thinking!
Provoke your imagination! Because God wants to take You to the next level.
Never forget -
YOU are a great person. You have my love. See you at the top!
Motivation channel with Prince DPA



Illiteracy is not about reading & writing really; it is not knowing what to do.

When life throws questions at you, what do you answer? What do you say? How do you respond?

In life there is always a question seeking for an answer. The more questions you can proffer answers to, the more blessed or successful or richer you become. No wonder the bible (Proverbs 24:26) says “many will kiss the lips of anyone who has the answer”.

On the Journey of greatness you must be able to answer certain questions, as you answer these questions your journey to greatness progresses faster.

One of the 5 questions you will have to answer is (1) WHO AM I & HOW MUCH AM I WORTH?

The most common mistake is not knowing who you are and how much you are worth!

 It will amaze you that in my speaking to some audience, I present them with a ‘cheque-like slip for them to fill out how much they are worth but often the column for how much you are worth is left blank.

Every interview, business deal, communication chain you attend or get involved in is asking you the same question.

 How will you know much you are worth without first knowing who you are.

 There are few great men on earth and I am among the first 3, that’s who I am.

 You can’t go through life aimlessly without defining who you are. Define who you are today and enjoy your journey to greatness.

It was this question Laban asked Jacob that changed Jacob’s journey in life.

Those who do their homework & plan well for the long haul have a much better chance.

If you spend time throwing stones at every dog that backs at you, you may not get to where you are going.

Stop allowing things on your outside shape who you are or your future. Know who you are!

Change the way you see yourself!

Out of the 7.1 billion people on earth, you are unique and that’s why no 2 people have the same finger-prints as yours.

Out of the 500million sperms released to fertilize your mum’s ovary, you were the only one that fertilized her ovary. Surely there must be something about you, you are one in 500million not one in a million.

Define who you are and protect your worth today.

 You are made in the image of God and after his likeness!

 Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this piece. God bless.