(The third (3rd) question you
must ask yourself on the Journey of Greatness)
Why did God really create me?
What is the purpose of my
Have you ever asked why?
If you will care to ask, the positive answer(s) you will get is your
purpose or your set of purpose.
In case your answer is, ''God
created me to be fruitful, to multiply and have dominion''.
Yes be fruitful, but be
fruitful at what? Is at child bearing only!
Yes multiply, are you called
to multiply babies?
If our sole purpose on earth
is to be fruitful & multiply children then every home may end up becoming a
Daycare center. Surely God created us for more than just raising children or
Is it for dominion? Dominion
is a good one but I agree with Dr. Mensah Otabil, that God didn't create man to
have dominion over man but over all things. That's is why 'NO ONE IS BETTER
THAN YOU'. For you to have dominion you must be king or master over a domain as
Myles Munroe rightly puts it.
What's your dominion?
For you to be fruitful, you
must be reproducing something unique to you.
As for multiplication, after
God created man He (God) rested because He created man to take over the
business of creation and impacting the world. ''LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE
AND AFTER OUR LIKENESS''. Man is supposed to be like God and be doing same
thing as God: continue to change things. As soon as God saw the earth was
without form, He created form, created day and night.
Nothing around you is meant
to remain the same as long as you are there, your primary call is have dominion
and change (impact) the world for good.
No great person ever sits
idle: they make things happen.
Purpose is what you are
created to do or a set of things you are unique-ly created to do on earth.
So, what have you being
created to do?
Your purpose helps you
influence your world. Survival is not enough.
Crowd doesn't translate to
truths... (Bishop Mike okonkwo).
It's not about the crowd;
don’t join the band-wagon. Because everyone is doing & making money or
succeeding at it doesn't make it your line.
What have you being created
to do?
People die of frustration
because they do not know why they exist.
Why fit in when you can stand
out? Don't be lost in the crowd!
Move in the direction of your
Stop blaming others for your
Embrace the future and the
destiny God has for you.
The bigger your destiny the
bigger your preparation.
If our result must be
different our approach must be different.
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