He was a Hungarian-American illusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts.
He freed himself from jails, handcuffs, chains, ropes, and straitjackets, often while hanging from a rope in sight of street audiences. He would regularly escape from jails as a publicity stunt. He toured many major towns and cities, and managed to escape from the town or city jail in every case BUT THERE WAS A JAIL-LOCK HE COULDN'T BREAK/UNLOCK.
His ability and acclaimed successes in unlocking any handcuff in the world earned him the name "Harry Handcuff Houdini". Houdini became widely known as "The Handcuff King." Houdini drew tens of thousands of onlookers who brought city traffic to a halt.
For many years, he was the highest-paid performer in American vaudeville. For most of his career. In 1923, Houdini became president of America's oldest magic company.
Houdini was locked in handcuffs and leg-irons, and then nailed into the crate which was roped and weighed down with two hundred pounds of lead. The crate was then lowered into the water. Houdini escaped in 57 seconds. The crate was pulled to the surface and found still to be intact.
Houdini introduced his own original act, the milk can escape. In this act, Houdini was handcuffed and sealed inside an over-sized milk can filled with water and made his escape behind a curtain
Houdini in his buried-alive stunt was buried without a casket, in a pit of earth six feet deep. When his hand finally broke unto the surface, he fell unconscious and had to be pulled from the grave by his assistants.
Houdini remained in a sealed casket submerged in the swimming pool of New York's Hotel Shelton for one and a half hours.
Houdini escaped after being strapped in a straitjacket, sealed in a casket, and then buried in a large tank filled with sand.
Houdini was magic's greatest visionary.
He had created the richest and longest-surviving organization of magicians in the world.
There is indeed a story that Houdini was once placed in a jail-cell where he failed to escape even though the cell door was unlocked! Houdini tried and failed to escape even after he used all his lock-picks on the lock. After several attempts, he gave up and was only able to get out only when he leaned on the door upon his exhaustion, at which point it opened, because the cell had never actually been locked in the first place; unknown to him!
Why did Houdini fail? - LESSONS
1. Houdini believed the jail door was locked in his mind although the door lock was never locked.
Hence he was trying to 'unlock' a lock which wasn't locked!
2. The very reason Houdini stayed trapped was because all he knew was about, were locked doors
3. In his final days, he optimistically held to a strong belief that he would recover, but his last words before dying were reportedly "I'm tired of fighting”.
- Many at times, many of our limitations are in our minds.
- We ourselves place limitations on ourselves and on our dreams.
- Many times because of how life has treated us we tend to adapt to that particular side that life has meted (dealt) to us.
- We often use the word ‘I’m tired of fighting’, whether it’s in spoken or unspoken words. We mostly don’t say it out loud but, our approach to life and our dreams show it that “we are tired of fighting”.
- We often fail to fight for our dreams or what we believe in.
Don’t be quick to give up.
Fight for your dream.
Fight for what you believe in.
Inject life into your dream.
Don't get use to staying down
Don't stay down, the ground is too crowded. Aim for the top.
Don't be Myopic (narrow-minded)
Don't place limitations on yourself nor on your dreams neither on your vision. have you seen a fish that can't swim, or a bird that can't naturally fly? You will succeed!
You can be anything you want to be.
Be the best in whatever you do.
Never look down on your small beginnings
Be thorough & shrewd (pay careful attention to details).
No knowledge is a waste, be open to learn.
The very idea you ignore may be the one that will make you.
Even when you are exhausted (when you've tried everything), there is still hope.
God has given you a dream that will not die.....

His ability and acclaimed successes in unlocking any handcuff in the world earned him the name "Harry Handcuff Houdini". Houdini became widely known as "The Handcuff King." Houdini drew tens of thousands of onlookers who brought city traffic to a halt.
For many years, he was the highest-paid performer in American vaudeville. For most of his career. In 1923, Houdini became president of America's oldest magic company.
Houdini was locked in handcuffs and leg-irons, and then nailed into the crate which was roped and weighed down with two hundred pounds of lead. The crate was then lowered into the water. Houdini escaped in 57 seconds. The crate was pulled to the surface and found still to be intact.
Houdini introduced his own original act, the milk can escape. In this act, Houdini was handcuffed and sealed inside an over-sized milk can filled with water and made his escape behind a curtain
Houdini in his buried-alive stunt was buried without a casket, in a pit of earth six feet deep. When his hand finally broke unto the surface, he fell unconscious and had to be pulled from the grave by his assistants.
Houdini remained in a sealed casket submerged in the swimming pool of New York's Hotel Shelton for one and a half hours.
Houdini escaped after being strapped in a straitjacket, sealed in a casket, and then buried in a large tank filled with sand.
Houdini was magic's greatest visionary.
He had created the richest and longest-surviving organization of magicians in the world.
There is indeed a story that Houdini was once placed in a jail-cell where he failed to escape even though the cell door was unlocked! Houdini tried and failed to escape even after he used all his lock-picks on the lock. After several attempts, he gave up and was only able to get out only when he leaned on the door upon his exhaustion, at which point it opened, because the cell had never actually been locked in the first place; unknown to him!
Why did Houdini fail? - LESSONS
1. Houdini believed the jail door was locked in his mind although the door lock was never locked.
Hence he was trying to 'unlock' a lock which wasn't locked!
2. The very reason Houdini stayed trapped was because all he knew was about, were locked doors
3. In his final days, he optimistically held to a strong belief that he would recover, but his last words before dying were reportedly "I'm tired of fighting”.
- Many at times, many of our limitations are in our minds.
- We ourselves place limitations on ourselves and on our dreams.
- Many times because of how life has treated us we tend to adapt to that particular side that life has meted (dealt) to us.
- We often use the word ‘I’m tired of fighting’, whether it’s in spoken or unspoken words. We mostly don’t say it out loud but, our approach to life and our dreams show it that “we are tired of fighting”.
- We often fail to fight for our dreams or what we believe in.
Don’t be quick to give up.
Fight for your dream.
Fight for what you believe in.
Inject life into your dream.
Don't get use to staying down
Don't stay down, the ground is too crowded. Aim for the top.
Don't be Myopic (narrow-minded)
Don't place limitations on yourself nor on your dreams neither on your vision. have you seen a fish that can't swim, or a bird that can't naturally fly? You will succeed!
You can be anything you want to be.
Be the best in whatever you do.
Never look down on your small beginnings
Be thorough & shrewd (pay careful attention to details).
No knowledge is a waste, be open to learn.
The very idea you ignore may be the one that will make you.
Even when you are exhausted (when you've tried everything), there is still hope.
God has given you a dream that will not die.....
Motivation Channel - Achieve MORE
David Adeleye
(Team & Performance Motivator)